Since 2015, this company has been specialized in the field of designing and manufacturing all kinds of PLASTIC PARTS PRODUCTION molds, and over the past several years, it has succeeded in making more than 150 blow molding molds in different capacities and models.

Services that can be provided in this depatment

Product Design

Designing the desired product using new international models,  or samples provided by the customer.

Mold Manufacturing

Mold making using the latest mold making methods with advanced Machines.

Design and Manufacture

In the last stage, after designing and making the mold, SemcoPlast will also be responsible for the production of the product.

خلاقیت در طراحی و ساخت

 قالب های بلومولدینگ

شرکت ساحل اتحاد با بیش از 25 سال سابقه فعالیت در زمینه ساخت محصولات  بادی (دمشی)  با بهره گیری از تخصص مهندسین این حوزه موفق به ساخت پیچیده ترین قالب های بادی (بلومولدینگ) گردیده است. استفاده از آبراه های مناسب جهت کم کردن زمان تولیدات بادی نقش بسزایی در تعداد تولیدات را دارا میباشد که مستلزم دانش فنی و آشنایی کامل با زمینه طراحی قالب بادی میباشد.

Experience in making more than 150 Blowmolding molds

Ability to produce molds with maximum capacity

Structural and Engineering Designs

Mold Exportation to foreign countries

The process of making custom products


Product Sample


Product Design


Reverse Engineering


Mold Manufacturing


Product Production

Idea Design Request

Please follow the form below to order a design